Handsome Hardee

Handsome Hardee
We are a patriotic family!

Face of Courage

Face of Courage
Face of courage

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tues., Nov 23, 2010 - chemo effects

Well, we've had a rough spell with chemo for the last few days.  Saturday, Hardee started to get sick, and by that night, had gone off all food and water.  He couldn't rest or sleep, was anxious and moving around constantly, and drooling like crazy.  He kept wanting outside to eat grass and pooped numerous times.  We were up all night with him.

The next morning, Sunday, he started vomiting, just bile and grass because his stomach was empty.  I called to the place where we got HH's chemo, and the intern who was on duty for the weekend tried to convince me that it was pancreatitis.  I hung up confused that he didn't think this was the side effects from chemo.  The day continued with Hardee drooling, vomiting, being horribly uncomfortable, wandering outside in the cold rain and winds with us following him trying to get him to drink, and all of us being so exhausted from lack of sleep.

I called back to the intern at 2:30 pm, and he had left for the day.  I said to call him back in because I was bringing my dog in.  Jim took Hardee to the hospital while I waited for the interns call.  When he did call back, I told him I wanted some fluids in Hardee and a shot of an anti-nausea med.  He complied and gave them subcutaneous, and also gave him a shot of Pepcid.  Hours later, it still didn't seem to help Hardee, and by now bloody diarrhea had started.  Hardee still wasn't eating or drinking.  I tried to stay up all night, again, to be able to take Hardee out if needed, but I was so exhausted I fell asleep in the recliner.  Hardee had a big explosion on the family room carpet.....poor boy.  What a mess.

The next morning, Monday, I called and made an appointment with a holistic vet hoping to get some help for Hardee.  Hardee ate about 5 small pieces of boiled chicken, took about 3 licks of water, and I got a pill in him with a small amount of peanut butter that morning.  The bloody diarrhea continued while we waited for our appointment that afternoon.

The holistic vet appointment did not go as well as I had hoped.  His schedule was way behind and we waited for awhile.  He was a nice guy that talked constantly, and only wanted to talk about what he might be able to do for the tumor.  When I could finally get a word in, our appointment time was up, and he had 2 patients waiting.  I told him I would wait until he had a couple more minutes for us.  We were there for 3 hours, and I didn't get much accomplished, but Hardee was starting to perk up.  This vet seems to be willing to work with me about supplying me with fluids to give Hardee subcutaneously at home.  We got a couple things that I don't know are working yet and didn't start until Monday night.  Hardee had bloody diarrhea in their parking lot, but he had been holding it for hours while we waited.  We barely made it out the door.

By the time we got home late afternoon, Hardee wanted to eat finally, for the first time in 2 days (except for those 5 small bites of chicken earlier).  I rejoiced, while Hardee ate the rest of the chicken breast and a scrambled egg, but only drank a little.  I put some kibble in his bowl but he turned his nose up at that, but I left it in his bowl in case he changed his mind.  After he had more diarrhea, he crashed and slept hard for the first time in 2 days after his meal.  I stayed up with him last night because of what had happened the night before.  We were in and out all night, and Hardee finally did eat his kibble overnight.

Tonight, Tuesday night, Hardee is still not 100% but that will take a little time.  He seems to be bouncing back quicker than I thought.  I have him drinking some electrolyte replacement fluids, though he's not drinking as much as I would like.  He's lost a couple pounds and is still very tired, but his appetite is back almost 100%.  He got grilled salmon, a little rice and veggies for dinner and happily ate it.  He still has bloody diarrhea, but hopefully we'll get that under control soon.  His body temp is still very low, but I always keep him covered with a blanket.

Today I called to So Cal, where we had our radiation done, and made an appointment for a consultation with the other oncologist down there next Monday.  I don't feel we are getting the best care for Hardee up here, and I'd like to consult with someone else about a plan.  Yes, I know I'm getting desperate, but I truly feel that it is not Hardee's time to go yet and we are hoping for a few more months.  Hardee has rallied, and it gives me hope.  There were times these last days that I wondered, and we cried a lot about decisions made and those we have ahead of us.  We wondered what we were doing to our boy.  Our fight is back though, and we have the enemy to defeat.

We hope to get some joy back for the little moments that occur, but it is still all about Hardee.

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