Handsome Hardee

Handsome Hardee
We are a patriotic family!

Face of Courage

Face of Courage
Face of courage

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wed., Feb. 8, 2012 - Keep on keeping on

Hardee continues to endure. 

We got a look inside HH's mouth yesterday and the fistula is bigger since we first found it 2 weeks ago, but we expected it to continue to grow.  Hardee continues to eat and drink just fine, though a bit slower than previously.  We switched him over to a dehydrated food that I add water to so he can just lap it up with no chewing involved.  Jim cuts the dehydrated meat into small bits, and I crumble a hard boiled egg into his food with each meal for extra protein.  Still, the pieces are small enough that they require no chewing.

Hardee has been on the strong antibiotic, Baytril, for well over a month now, and we added another antibiotic, Amoxicillin, a week ago trying to clear up the smell coming from his mouth.  It hasn't helped, so I'm debating whether to discontinue the Amoxicillin for now.  HH is pretty stuffy and snotty right now, and all our dry desert air doesn't help him.

Last weekend we had the Southern California Portuguese Water Dog Club's agility trial that we attended.  Hardee ran and did well.  He qualified in 5 of his 6 runs, and the one run HH didn't qualify in was totally his handler's fault.  Hardee continues to love agility, and it brings us such joy to see him happy.  At the trial, we also got to visit with other club members that we don't see very often, so it was a very enjoyable weekend.

Currently, Hardee is in his recliner (the recliner used to be Jim's) grumbling and now barking at me to get up and tuck his blankie under his chin so he has something to prop his head upon.  HH is still very demanding, and we take that as a good sign of life.

As always, it is still all about joy and all about Hardee.  Keep your fingers and paws crossed for us that it continues this way for quite some time.


  1. His fortitude amazes me. We lost another one of Odette's littermates on 2 February to Hermangiosarcoma. Never had any cancers showing up except for Sebby with the nasal cancer back around 2003. Then last year we lost almost 5 yo Sierra and almost 6 yo Turbo to Lymphoma, 8 yo old Whitney to Hermangiosarcoma of the heart, 2 ten years olds to Hermangiosarcoma in June and in November Odette's brother Bruin to Lymphoma! It was a tough year and now starting February off with loosing another . . . :-(

    Sending healing thoughts and prayers.

    Karen and the Saltydawgs

  2. I love that he's still the boss of you :)
