I'm late, as usual, but I hope everyone got to spend time with their loved ones at some point during Valentine's Day and that it was happy.
We celebrated our day by starting Hardee on a new antibiotic to see if we could get the bad smell coming from his mouth under control. Previous to Tuesday, Hardee was on Baytril and Amoxicillin. We added in the Amoxicillin almost 2 weeks ago, and it never seemed to make any difference in the smell. In fact, the smell was getting worse. On the advice of someone who emailed me, I researched Clindamycin and decided that would be a good antibiotic to try. I talked to a Vet about it, and the script was called in. By this morning (2 days later), the smell was so much better! Thank you so much to the person who emailed me with the suggestion, and to my "go to Vet" who always finds the time to help me out!
Last weekend Hardee ran agility again. Jim and HH got two double Qs and placed in the ribbons each time. Hardee continues to love agility, and Jim continues to love to run with HH.
Though we wish like hell it wasn't, the cancer is progressing in Hardee's mouth. He continues to eat and drink well, but doesn't really chew much anymore on his right side. We have increased HH's pain pills and lessened the duration between doses, again. Hardee still has a good quality of life though, and still lives with much joy. We will continue to let HH dictate his path with us.
As always, it is all about joy and all about Hardee. Please keep him in your thoughts for pain free days.
Hi, there. I have been reading your blog off and on for almost exactly a year. I found you late last February, after my boy, Duke, was diagnosed with a meningioma in the brain. (I Googled Dr. Proulx to research him before taking Duke to Carlsbad and your blog came up.) Anyway, I have never had the time to write you and tell you how very much I admire your fighting on behalf of Hardee. Your dog is amazing, and that is a testament to your love and care. I am so glad he is still alive. It gives me so much hope. I know you've had doubts about how intensive Hardee's treatments have gotten lately, but believe me, you have done nothing wrong. I believe everything you've done is ethical and humane.
ReplyDeleteMy Duke will be exactly one year post-diagnosis Friday, Feb. 17. I was devastated to find his tumor did not shrink after his aggressive, month-long radiation course, but the tumor hasn't grown either, and miraculously, Duke got his eyesight back. He still loves his daily 5-mile walks and still has his utterly delightful personality. I know how desperate one can be to save their beloved pet. I'm right there with you. It's so, so unfair that we can't keep them forever.
Thank you so much for the inspiration you've given me over the last year by sharing your story. I am praying for Hardee.
Thank you for writing, Jennifer. Your words are lovely to read and have brought me some comfort. You are correct that it just isn't fair.
DeleteI will keep you and Duke close to my heart for continued good days and long walks. Give him a kiss for me and peace to you. Keep the good fight going!
Dear Handsome Hardee,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Miss Sunshade. My mum saw your blog on the yahoo cancer list and told me I should come and tell you how HANDSOME you are! I luuuuuuuv handsome boyz!!
You are not only handsome, but so brave and awesome. Your pawrents are pretty awesome too. It is very obvious they love you so much. You are very lucky to have them and vise versa.
I was dx with the nasty C back in November 2010, so I know how hard this journey is on you, as well as your pawrents. I am sending you lots and lots of AireZEN (special healing power from Airedales :-). I hope you continue to enjoy life like you have been doing over the last 6 years!
There is a quote that is often used to describe Airedales, but I think this fits you perfectly HH,
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming
~ Hunter S Thompson
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade