Handsome Hardee

Handsome Hardee
We are a patriotic family!

Face of Courage

Face of Courage
Face of courage

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sun., April 1, 2012 - Happy April Fools Day

I have been away from social media for awhile and my main email is broken, so apologies to those who have tried to reach me that way.  If you really need to reach me, you'll have to call or text, or email me at my gmail account.  Privately, I'm hearing that I need to update the blog so people know how Hardee is doing.  I didn't mean to make others worry.  I just need some time away right now to spend with my boy.

Hardee continues to endure.  He still eats and drinks with gusto and has quality to his life.  He has been bleeding for a month now, except for almost a week reprieve about a week ago.  During that week he didn't really bleed, we started to build hope again that the Palladia that we had done in Jan. was somehow working.  But, the bleeding started again this past Wed. night, and by Friday, was back full force coming from both sides of his nose.  During the week that HH didn't bleed much, we took advantage and did many therapy visits.  We also took Hardee back to the park with his favorite little person where he followed her down each and every slide. 

The smell coming from Hardee's mouth has been back for numerous weeks now.  I've tried quite a few different antibiotics, and the ones that worked previously, don't work anymore.  Hardee has been on at least 2 different antibiotics, sometimes 3, since Dec.  I've added Clavamox into the mix to see what that does, but I think we'll be trying some antibiotics we haven't tried before.  It is always trial and error to see what antibiotics work for awhile, then we start over.

Between the drainage coming from Hardee's nose from the infections, and all the bleeding, I couldn't take his longer hair anymore so Thursday I chopped it all off.  I chopped all the hair from his head too, so he looks horrible!  They won't even recognize him at the hospice facility where he does therapy.  I barely recognize him!  When Hardee leaves us for the Rainbow Bridge, I wanted him to go with all his long handsome hair, but it really doesn't matter anymore.

Jim and Hardee missed not attending the National Agility Championship held in Reno, NV this weekend.  They've been invited 2 years in a row, but because of Hardee's cancer they have not been able to attend.  Hardee did break back into the "top 5" of Portuguese Water Dog in the nation for the Agility Invitational over a month ago.  Currently, Hardee is ranked #4.  We are still amazed at our fantastic working dog and his will to live while doing what he loves.

Though we wish it was an April Fools joke, we have formulated a plan for when it is time to release Hardee from his cancer with a vet friend.  She has been a huge help to us throughout Hardee's cancer, and I do not know what we would have done without her, especially lately.  She has our appreciation and our thanks.

Deservedly so, it is still all about joy and all about Hardee.  Somethings will never change.

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