Handsome Hardee

Handsome Hardee
We are a patriotic family!

Face of Courage

Face of Courage
Face of courage

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Aug. 18, 2011 - Status quo

I haven't written in awhile, so I just thought I'd pop in to give a quick update on Hardee.  It is pretty much status quo here.  Hardee's nose still drains, and he still lives a life full of happiness.

A year ago today, Hardee and I were traveling to So. Cal. to get ready for his very precise CT scan at the human facility in Carlsbad, CA to prepare for radiation.  By this time last year, Hardee had already had 3 CT scans in a week and a half.

As last year, we traveled to So. Cal. today, but this time for a happier occasion.  We are doing agility for the first time in 2 months.  We took the summer off from agility because of the heat.  Hardee doesn't seem to regulate his temps as well as he used to.  We didn't plan it too well though because it will be in the 90s this weekend and even hotter next weekend.

Hardee's bloodwork today looked good.  Kidney function is still good, so I can order more cyclophosphamide and peroxicam from the compound pharmacy for Hardee.  The last couple nights I've had blood from Hardee's nose which scares the shit out of me.  We haven't had blood since we stopped all the trauma of chemo almost 2 months ago.  The blood doesn't scare me, but what the damn tumor is doing to cause the bleeding does (possibly growing???).  I so wish I had x-ray vision so I could keep an eye on the damn tumor. 

It seems I can't write tumor without putting a "damn" in front of tumor.  I hate this damn tumor so much!!!!!

Keep good thoughts for Hardee.  We've been in a blue period lately, and I'm hoping that agility will lift our spirits this weekend.  Sometimes I fight to crawl back into happiness and remember that it is all about joy and all about Hardee.

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