Handsome Hardee

Handsome Hardee
We are a patriotic family!

Face of Courage

Face of Courage
Face of courage

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wed., Oct. 27, 2010 - Hardee's next CT scan

I'm scared again. 

Just within the last few days or so, Hardee is displaying some signs that are worrisome to me.  He's started to drill his face into the carpet again, paw at his face, dig at his right ear, and let out big yelps after a face rubbing episode.  His sneezing has been gradually increasing, is often out of control, and getting worse, not better.

I could be patient no longer and left a message with Dr. Proulx yesterday.  He called me back late last night, and I will be taking Hardee to So Cal next week for another CT scan.  He agrees with me that the signs I have been seeing from Hardee need to be investigated.  Dr. Proulx said it could just be a dead piece of tumor caught up in his nasal passage that they could try to flush out, or something worse.  If the tumor is growing again, I can't wait until the middle to end of Nov. to scan again.  I need to be proactive, instead of reactive, as best I can.

Keep good thoughts for us next Tuesday afternoon, which is when the CT is scheduled.  I'll head down to my Mom's house on Monday.  Where she lives in the mountains of So Cal, I can't get cell phone reception, and my wireless internet reception doesn't work.  I'll try to get on my Mom's computer to post an update, or I'll go into town where I can get reception to post.

I'll try desperately not to think about the possibilities, I'm sure to no avail.  We have a semi-local trial this weekend, and I'd hate for my worries to transfer down the lead to Hardee, but he knows my feelings already.  Depending on how Hardee is feeling, we are entered in obedience, rally and agility.  He'll let me know what he feels up to doing.

Until then, I am scared s***less, but it is all about joy and all about Hardee.  Keep your fingers and paws crossed for us.

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