Dear Handsome Hardee (HH),
Happy, happy 8th birthday, our sweet boy. We still miss you terribly, and we think of you constantly though you've been gone from us for over 10 months now. We hope your first birthday at the Rainbow bridge was a happy one and that you celebrated with Viva and Jazz by running agility and that Jean was there to watch you run.
Fittingly today, your Lloyd D'Augusta STAR Lifetime Achievement Award trophy arrived that you just won. I wish you could see it. It is beautiful. We are so proud of you and all you accomplished in your short but fabulous life. You will always be amazing in our eyes.
I waffle back and forth, but for now, I am leaving your blog up about your cancer. It has helped many people and their dogs who are fighting nasal cancer. It's a little hard on me to constantly relive your cancer with others, but it is helping people who have no where to turn, like me when I was trying to figure everything out on my own. When they contact me, I am happy to help, though it is through tears, still. Currently, our thoughts are with Marla and her agility dog, Macy, who is fighting nasal cancer also. Keep a watch for Macy to possibly join you soon and show her the agility fields when she arrives. She'll like that, I'm sure.
Your brother, Lickety, turns 6 months old in 2 days, and he is a comfort to us, and we are grateful to have him. We took him tracking today, and we know you would have loved to be there running through the fields after you had completed your track also, Bubs. We bought Lickety something special today which we know you would love too. Keep an eye on our new boy, HH, and guide him when you can.
Besides it being your birthday today, this week is especially hard on your Dad. It is the National Agility Championship (NAC), and once again, you and your Dad qualified for the NAC and are not able to attend. We're sure you're there in spirit though and rooting on all of your friends who are competing at the NAC.
Happy, heroic, handsome Hardee, we will love you and miss you forever. Your absence from our lives is still strong. In our hearts and in our minds, it is still all about joy and all about Hardee. We know you won't mind that we love Lickety too. Look for us, Bubs, and we will find you again.
Your Mama and Daddy