Handsome Hardee

Handsome Hardee
We are a patriotic family!

Face of Courage

Face of Courage
Face of courage

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sun., Mar. 18, 2012 - Bleeding and hemorrhaging

As excited as I was 6 days ago to write that Hardee had turned 7 years old, he had been bleeding for over a week.  It has been 2 weeks now since the bleeding started, again, and the bleeding has gotten progressively worse.  Hardee has had numerous hemorrhages throughout this past week, despite the Yunnan Paiyao.  I can't say if the Yunnan Paiyao is working or not because we don't know what the bleeding would be like if I took HH off of this Chinese herb.

In between bleeding episodes, Hardee is still doing his therapy visits at the hospice facility, and on Friday, we had our first home visit at a hospice patients house.  Hardee visited with her for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Then we went to the in-patient facility where we made our rounds.  HH is such a good boy, and everybody loves him.  In the words of my friend, what's not to love?

We are approaching the end of this fight for Hardee.  Though he eats and drinks with gusto, and is a happy boy still, the blood loss will win in the end.

We have fought so very hard these last 20 months, I hope I know when it is time to let go.  Please keep Hardee, and us, in your thoughts for peace and clarity.  Until then, we'll still make it all about joy and all about Hardee.  You know we wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mon., Mar. 12, 2012 - Happy Birthday Hardee!!!

Today, our boy turned 7 years old.  We never thought we'd make it to this day, and we are so very grateful.

We had a birthday party for Hardee yesterday at an agility trial.  It was an absolutely wonderful day spent with great friends and great dogs.  I did not want it to end. 

The top photo is Hardee and two of his girls in their party attire (Kina, Hardee & Trixie).  The bottom photo is Hardee and his harem (Trixie, Kina, Hardee, Viva & Indy) waiting to be released to devour the plates of chicken on the grass in front of them.

Hardee is still bleeding so keep him in your thoughts please.  Here, it is still all about joy and all about Hardee.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wed., Mar. 7, 2012 - Bleeding again

When I wrote the last blog entry, I must have jinxed myself.  Hardee's nose has been bleeding since Sunday night, off and on.  Today has been really bad with blood dripping and spewing everywhere when he sneezes.  Fortunately, the bleeding is painless for Hardee.  I wish I could say the same for us as this is all so hard sometimes.

Hardee continues to eat and drink with gusto (he just finished a big wedge of Colby cheese that Jim broke apart into small pieces for an afternoon snack) and he has quality to his life, so we don't think it is his time to leave us yet.  When the fistula opened in Hardee's mouth, I thought the parameters for determining when Hardee left us for the bridge had changed from bleeding and pain we couldn't control, to whether he continued to eat and drink and had life quality.  Now I think we are back to using the first set of parameters, with emphasis on bleeding we can't control.

A couple months ago, we went to a Chinese medicine store and bought some Yunnan Baiyao.  It is supposed to help control bleeding, though I don't know if it really works or not.  We haven't tried it yet, until this moment.  I've been nervous about trying it because of the contaminants in things coming from China, though I don't know if my worries should apply in this case.  We are getting desperate enough now to control this bleeding that I guess contaminants are the least of our worries.

We were in AZ last weekend for agility.  Jim and Hardee qualified in Time To Beat (T2B) all 4 days and got their T2B title on the first day of the trial.  They also double qualified 3 days out of 4.  Hardee still loves to run agility, and I think it keeps him going.

Only 5 days until Hardee's 7th birthday.  Keep you fingers and paws crossed that we make it until then.  As always, it is all about joy and all about Hardee.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wed., Feb. 29, 2012 - Happy Leap Day!

What a special day!  Hardee has only seen one other leap day in his life.  Who knew that we'd see another with our special boy.  When we found that the tumor had broken through the roof of Hardee's mouth back in January, we weren't sure he would make it through to the end of that month, let alone still be with us a month later.  Hardee is quite the fighter, and he continues to amaze us with his resiliency.

The nose bleeds have almost stopped.  Once in a while Hardee will sneeze out a big clot and his nose will bleed for a short time after that, but we haven't had a bad bleed for almost 2 months.  The nasty nasal drainage is still there, despite numerous antibiotics, but that has been a constant in our lives for over a year now.  HH does have a bit of a smell again coming from his mouth, so maybe it is time for a new and different antibiotic.

Now for some amazing news.  I might be writing this prematurely and maybe I didn't get a good enough look inside Hardee's mouth, but the fistula (hole through his hard palate into his nasal cavity) seems to have filled in quite a bit, almost like the tumor is growing over the hole.  I can't explain it any other way.  We did do a month of Palladia (oral chemo pill) in January, so maybe it actually has helped somehow.  I have thought numerous times that the Palladia might have helped to shrink the tumors in Hardee's frontal sinuses (forehead) since we haven't had anymore bad bleeds since we started Palladia.

Another indicator that maybe the tumors in Hardee's forehead have shrunk is he doesn't whine anymore when we go through a couple mountain passes.  We have to go up in elevation a couple times as we travel back and forth to So. Cal.  Hardee had started whining again in January as we traveled through the passes, so we had laid off the agility trials in So. Cal.  Maybe it is the increase in pain pills or maybe the tumors have shrunk. We'll never know for sure because we won't do another CT scan on Hardee.  Maybe it is just wishful thinking on my part, but for sure, it is all just speculation.
The majority of the pink soft tissue is gone from the roof of Hardee's mouth (hard palate), especially on the right side where the tumor originated in Hardee's nasal passage.  You mostly see tumor when you look at his hard palate.  He doesn't chew much anymore, and if he tries to chew something, it is strictly on the left side.  Hardee still eats his dehydrated food, that I rehydrate with lots of water, with gusto, and as a typical PWD, is always starving.  I have backed off the pain pills just slightly, and he only gets one every 5 hours now, unless I see signs of pain.  If I see signs of pain before the 5 hour mark, I either shorten the duration between pills, or increase the dose to 1.5 pills.

Hardee still LOVES to run agility and has much joy in his life.  He is still demanding, always wanting his blankie tucked under his chin now, and just within the last month or so, demands that someone come over and pet him and rub his tummy when he gets up on the sofa.  Normally, we wouldn't put up with these types of shenanigans, but for quite some time now, Hardee gets whatever he wants.  Just the other day, I picked up his blankie that he wasn't using and covered up with it because I had a chill.  He wasn't happy that someone else was using his blankie and let me know about it.  I take all these spoiled rotten actions as an indicator that he is feeling okay.

Last year at this time, we never dreamed that Hardee would ever reach his 7th birthday, but in 12 days, we will celebrate like crazy.  We have been fighting like hell against this cancer for 19 full months now.  Hardee continues to live up to his name (Built To Withstand) and is indeed hardy.  He is the love of our lives.  He continues to endure for us, and we endure for him.

As always, it is all about joy and all about Hardee.  We celebrate him daily.